CROSSPORT is reInventing data exchange for intelligent systems. Secure and ultra-low latency, crossPORT's new data exchange platform provides simple and scalable connectivity options for consumer, commercial and industrial uses.
WelcomePassing private notes is exactly the model of communication that will open up the future of Ai. Systems have evolved, are beginning to think for themselves, and can self-organize their own communication.
MORE INFOAd-hoc Sensing Switched Data Circuit for Connecting Network Hosts and Peripherals – 16/468,800 has been granted its Notice of Allowance.
MORE INFOTens of billions of dollars are spent each year improving our data networks, but Networking & Data Exchange remains the No.1 constraint to the growth of computing capabilities. CROSSPORT unlocks bottlenecks in data exchange by connecting systems directly using Intelligent Data Exchange. The only true way to eliminate Network Issues is to Eliminate the Network .
USB Type-C cables couldn't be easier to plug in ...but are you plugging them in the right port? CROSSPORT makes it so you never get it wrong.
LEARN MOREInvented & Patented by CROSSPORT Network Solutions Inc. , the platform provides simplified connections, power and data exchange among both devices and systems – an industry first. Building on the USB Type-C connector space, we ensure full compatibility and compliance while expanding performance and capability.
Reduce Power Consumption with Ultra-low Power platforms
Industry's Lowest Latency Solutions
Private Circuits
Unparalleled Security
Portless Connections
Reduced East/West Traffic and network congestion
Low Energy
Protocol Switching
Low Latency
Intrinsically Secure
Less expensive